25 December 2012

Christmas Spirit

It's finally December 25! The birthday of Jesus Christ! The time when everyone is sharing and loving one another. The birth of Jesus is the reason why we are all saved from total darkness. People from around the world have been observing traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. 

Holidays are the times for families and communities to unite together to commemorate the historic events of the season. It's often the time to reconnect with friends and family. Different traditions were celebrated from different countries and religions. The decorating of the Christmas Tree is the most popular tradition. The exchanging of gifts during Christmas Eve, singing Christmas carols, hanging up evergreen branches and having supper with families. Of course, Santa Claus, the most popular for the children. The first Santa was still known as St. Nicholas, he did smoke a pipe, and fly around a wagon without any reindeer, but he did not have his red suit or live at the North Pole, he did however bring presents to the children every year.

Christmas is not all about the gifts you receive, it's about how you celebrate it. We need to be thankful for what we have. It's the most beautiful time of the year!
(Merry Christmas in Latin)
Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!

21 December 2012

Opinion| December 21, 2012 "Dooms Day"?

Mayans, popularly refers the indigenous people of southeastern Mexico and parts of central America, such as Guatemala.The Mayans have great skills in astrological topics they can read the stars, their meanings. They have their own culture, beliefs. history, language.  The Mayan Calendar has cycles and the 5th cycle ends on December 21, 2012, but the Mayans said nothing about the world will end on 12/21/12 and some says the Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared. Nostradamus, was a famous french apothecary. Many of Nostradamus' predictions came true, like, the Death of Princess Diana, World War 2, The Nine Eleven. And the prediction about the "Gangnam Style" predicted by Nostradamus as an end of the world signal is being talked about nowadays, Nostradamus said, "From the calm morning, the end will come when of the dancing horse the number of circles will be nine."  Aside from this people many tried to make predictions when will the world end.

 We just all need to be ready and repent. Faith and Hope is a must. Judgement day will come. No one really knows when will the world end, only God the Father knows.

12 December 2012

Health| Why Smoke?

Many of the population makes smoking as their habit. Why do you smoke? Do you get any benefit? Smoking as we all know is not good for the health. Actually smoking which is a substance especially tobacco is a drug. Many people really loves to smoke, they think smoking is not bad, they think that smoking has nothing to do with their health. 

Nicotine, the substance being released by the tobacco that speeds up the heart and causes the blood vessels to become narrow.Tobacco harms our health, it produces a a dangerous gas called carbon monoxide which causes changes when taken into the body. When a person smokes, he/she can have diseases especially heart and lung diseases. 

Look at the picture above, the non-smoker's lungs is clear and bright in color while the smoker's lungs is damaged because the walls of the air sacs have broken down, making breathing difficult, It is black in color. 

When a smoker smokes in public the people around him/her can be affected which are the second hand smokers. The second hand smokers are greatly affected by the smokers. When the smoker exhales the smoke the second hand smokers can inhale more of the smoke and in that way the second hand smokers have big chances of having lung or heart diseases.

Some are really entertained when they smoke, they feel happy but smoking does nothing good for the health it makes your health worst. Avoiding smoking is hard especially when you really do it every time but trying and doing your best is the better way to live a happy life. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. 

29 November 2012

I make a Legend x Rayban

Everyday of my life I wake up in the morning for someone; something. Every second, minute, hour has a big role in our lives.  There are over 7 billion people in this planet and I thought of how can I leave a legacy? Even the little things count. A simple student like me can achieve more than this time, I can learn more, explore, and discover new things. 

My dream was to be a successful doctor but as I'm still enjoying my high school life things may change. There's so many decisions on my mind all wanting to be chosen. But all I can do now is to stay strong; to continue my journey through success; live a free spirit. Barbie, I know we all know her charming personality. Even if she's not real we can get a lot of inspiring & touching message from her stories. I like how she handles all the pressure and problems in her life. Everyone can relate to her and she teaches me to believe in happy ever after, she told me to be contented in what I have, well, she teaches me to live my life to the fullest and most importantly she taught me to make my own legacy.

student, Issabela Villalino

inspired me to write this entry: Cheyser Pedregosa at thewalkingrecessionista

28 November 2012

Thinking It's the End of the World

Life could be unfair. Challenges come and go. Sometimes you feel alone in the dark waiting for someone to find you and give you light. You feel that the world is against you but everything happens for a reason and wishing to know what that reason is.

There's so many reasons, people, happenings running in your mind. Sometimes it feels so hopeless. Giving up seems to be the solution. It seems like your a bird inside a cage cannot fight for your own right. Silence is your friend, darkness is your home. You like to hide from the odds. You like to be alone hiding all the pain underneath that strong but soft heart. From outside there pictures a man that looks to be a happy person acting like there's nothing wrong but people don't know that that person carries a thousand burden inside. There's the time that you think your just a no one in this planet. When that time came you wanted to let go, thinking it's the end of the world.

If you feel like your alone in the dark that's because God wants you to be independent, he wants you to live your own life. When you feel like your a bird in a cage you have to learn how to fight, to fight fear and hatred. A strong you is all you need to conquer all those obstacles in life. Crying is the best way to let go all the pain. You need to have a free spirit.

24 November 2012

11/23/12 Grade 7 Field Trip

On the way.

Monesterio De Tarlac

View from Monesterio De Tarlac

A Day to Remember. This day I learned how to bike. Thanks to my friends.

Nayong Pilipino

Lastly, Clark Museum

This day was really an awesome one. We all had fun. We have new memories to keep forever. 

19 November 2012

A Countdown until Christmas Day

36 more days before Christmas! Christmas, the most awaited time of the year. Time of sharing and loving. Christmas, the day Jesus Christ were born. This is the time people get together and giving each other gifts. A great time to bond with each other.

We traditionally count the days until Christmas. We find time to prepare, buy gifts and decorations, make lists of people whom we will give gifts. "Simbang Gabi" in the Philippines is a traditional doing during Christmas Season. We attend midnight masses in 9 days before Christmas day. "Noche Buena" is a tradition in the Philippines werein the family will have a feast until midnight to wait for the Christmas Day. When Christmas is getting closer people go to the malls and start buying gifts. Houses are field with colorful Christmas lights twinkling and the"Parols". Christmas is really a special season for Filipinos.

But it's not all about the gifts and decorations, it's about giving love to one another. Material things can't replace the love that we can give to a person. It's not necessary if you give an expensive gift even a small gift can do, if it's from your heart it can be the most precious gift a person can receive. So, this Christmas let's love one another and ENJOY.

11 November 2012

Editorial| Opinion; Obama wins re-election, sees better days ahead

On November 7, 2012 Barack Hussein Obama was re-elected President of the United States against Republican Mitt Romney. The Obama VS. Romney fight was close enough and the winner was known. Obama has his last four years to resolve the country's problems.

The people loved Barack Obama. He stayed down to earth and thinks the best for his people. For his second and last term he makes sure there are better ways to come. As Americans voted for a leader they knew over a wealthy businessman they don't.

Obama, as the first black president of America had a reason to celebrate. People voted Obama for a reason. And he won despite the highest rate on the eve of an election in 64 years of Labor Department estimates 7.9%. Obama already did a lot for the society. From Politifact, 38% of Obama's promises were kept. Obama indeed did his job. His people benefit from Obama's projects. Even the toughest problems may come but Obama stands still and fights. Barack Obama a Democrat fighting for democracy for his people.

In the end, people are expecting for a better country. For the United States, "the best is yet to come" he said.

3 November 2012

All Souls Day 2012

Yearly in the Philippines we traditionally find time to visit our loved ones who already passed away. We honor them by visiting in the cemetery.

November 2 is the day. We commemorate the death of our loved ones. Many people travel far just to visit their loved ones but some cannot afford to travel and just stays at home but that doesn't mean they don't give time to their loved ones by just staying at home and giving them prayers would mean a lot.  We offer flowers, candles and our prayers to them. Every time November 2 is about to come the government and police men makes sure that all the cemetery in the country is well guarded. The cemetery is a holy place we must give respect. We must act appropriate inside the cemeteries. And All Souls Day is the chance of many families to reunite with each other, their chance to visit their loved ones in the cemetery together.

We must honor and respect the people who already left the mortal world. They are all in a quiet place. Let's all pray for the repose of their souls. REST IN PEACE.

27 October 2012

Rosary Month

October, the month of the Holy Rosary. St. Paul College of Paranaque decided to do a different activity for the rosary month. We did a parade of floats containing different tableaus of the 5 mysteries of the sorrowful mystery. We passed through the high-way and different streets of Paranaque especially, Don Galo and Sta. Monica.

The Grade 7 students is assigned for the first mystery which is the agony in the garden.

That's me! I was "Jesus" the boy at my back was "Satan" in our tableau.

The 3rd year students were assigned for the 3rd mystery, "Scourging at the Pillar"

The 4th year students preparing their float, "Carrying of the Cross"

The other float of the year four students, "Crucifixion and Death of Christ"

During the procession.
 It was really a sunny day. It was hard to portray Jesus. I knew the feeling what Jesus had felt. I knew the pain he encountered. It was a way of sacrifice for me, for joshua (the boy), other students who are part of the tableaus and for all the students and teachers who joined the procession. I had cramps and they had to massage my legs during the procession. The whole procession I was in that position, kneeling like the chinese people do. After the procession, I didn't stand the sun and pain of my muscles that they rushed me in the clinic but it was all worth it. It was for God, Jesus and Mother Mary. 

21 October 2012

Cyber Crime Law: Beneficial or Not?

Cyber Crime law is very controversial now a days. Many people protest about the law not to be approved.
Is Cyber Crime law good for our society? Beneficial or Not?

I cannot say if i'll say yes or no to Cyber Crime law. I approve in the way it can protect us from the people who would try to harm us, from the people who wants to pull us down. It can protect the rights of our country. It can be beneficial in many ways.

I say no in the way it can remove our rights to say what we want to say, the freedom of speech. All of us have the right to speak up. It cannot be beneficial in many ways.

But, it's actually not that if you just shared a photo or retweeted something about a bad issue it doesn't mean your already going to be arrested, it's not like that. Some people don't really understand what Cyber Crime Law is. It takes time for us to understand it.

20 October 2012


Our beloved relatives are special for us. Our mother, our father, our siblings, our friends are the most precious gifts God has given to us but what if all the good times end? What if they're time ends? What if they're gone?

Our parents are our best friend, teacher and our guide. They make sure that we are safe from all harm. They were given to us by God to protect us. They've encountered a lot of trials in life, they experienced all we are just experiencing now. They never want us to see that we suffer. All of us are made in this world with a reason, each of us are destined to a goal. We all have roles to play in this world. We have our family and friends who just each have a special place in our heart. They help us continue our life in this world. They are our inspiration to bring out the best in us. Many problems come in our lives and we get through with it because of the people special for us.

God has planned our life. All the things happening in our life are planned. God is giving us challenges in our life to make us better persons. It is hard to\accept things unbelievable but we cannot bring back the things already happened.

Loosing a special someone really hurts especially when you only spent a short time with them. When she is away when she died. Your far away from each other. Now that your still with your special ones make the most out of it. Bond with them, give more time with them, make them feel the most special person in the world. To those who already lose their special someone(s) don't be angry to God, remember all the things happening to us have reasons. God is not giving us trials that we can't survive. BE STRONG.

16 October 2012

Heritage Tour 2012

October 13, 2012. We got the opportunity to discover more of the Philippine history. Only chosen students had the chance to join. The places are National Museum, National Library, National Gallery, Rizal Park, Intramurous, Fort Santiago in MANILA, PHILIPPINES.

National Museum

Department of Tourism

National Library

Rizal Park, Luneta

One of the displays in the National Museum

The entrance in the National Gallery

A beautiful sculpture of a lady.

A painting of a lady.

Golden Steps of Jose Rizal in Fort Santiago 


This day was totally tiring but it's all worth it. We all had so much fun. We learned a lot from this tour. It's really true that the Philippines is rich in history, culture and creativity.

7 October 2012

Book Review

Title: Letter to My Daughter

Author: George Bishop

Date Published: 2010, Greenacres

Our mother knows everything about us; how we get mad, when we want a thing, when something is wrong. They are always there for us, guiding and protecting us but sometimes we really misunderstand them. In the novel “Letter to my Daughter” you will find the love of a mother to her daughter.

Dear Elizabeth, It’s early morning and I’m sitting here wondering where you are, hoping you’re alright.
Elizabeth, ran away from her home in Baton Rouge just because of a, slap (Liz wants to go to Florida for vacation, alone with her friends without the guidance of a parent. Of course, her parents didn’t agree) on the eve of her 15th birthday. While Laura a waits for Liz’s comeback she grabbed a pen and a paper and tried to recall the past, trying to share “everything I’ve always meant to tell you but never have.”

Our mother had also experienced the teenage times, experiencing the teen problems, problems in school, love and family. Laura experienced all of this, being a 15 year old girl. The story focuses the life of Laura as a 15 year old in the past. She wrote all the things happened to her, very detailed events. Of course, she fell in love, she commit mistakes, she did things she never done before. Laura shares memories of her own troubled adolescence, growing up in a conservative household. Her parents didn’t approves her love for a boy but it cannot stop their true love in spite of the disapproval they still see each other but something happened that leads Laura to be sent to a strict Catholic Boarding School but their love continuous through their letters by the help of a Sister. The personal tragedy brought upon her by the Vietnam War, and, finally, the meaning of the enigmatic tattoo below her right hip. They can’t do anything but to wait. Wait, for the comeback of their dear Elizabeth. The husband of Laura stares at her thinking when will she put down her pen, but the sorrow of a mother ignites, she wants to finish the letter until Liz comebacks.
“Tears, hugs, forgiveness, Welcome home, daughter.”
Different feelings stream down. The feeling of a mother when her daughter comes back from a run away.

Letter to My Daughter is a first novel of immense power; Letter to My Daughter encompasses all the love and hope and fear of being a parent and a child; Letter to My Daughter is written with a keen eye, I am sure I will return to it as a cautionary tale and a parable of forgiveness.”

If you’re a mother and a teenager you totally can rely to this book. A mother cannot be perfect, there are failures from the past but a mother knew what is the feeling being a teenager. Our parents dreamt of being a future parent in their past, thinking that if she had a child she wants the best for her/him, she won’t let her child experience the things that she experienced from her parents. This book has a lot of lessons that would touch your hearts and inspire you.

6 October 2012

Featured| The Paulinian Link June-August 2012

With all the hard work, team work, patience the production of the first Paulinian Link 2012-2013 happened.  This itself we can call a great achievement. Another issue will be made so watch out. New articles, New faces, New tasks. We can do it! 

21st Century Heroes, Health Tips 101, Nutrition Month 2012 by Ma. Issabela J. Villalino, your's truly.

I'm in the Piczle Corner! Guess what movie I'm portraying! _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Photo Diary x Pentaxx Collection

29 September 2012

Literature, Nutrition Poem

Vegetables are Healthy





Copyrights Reserved. 2012. {c} ISSABELA VILLALINO

13 September 2012

Photo Diary x Pentaxx Collection

Happiest Thing

All of us encounter trials in our life. Some thinks that giving-up is a better way. But, no. Giving-up will make the situation more complicated. Why do we give-up so easily? Why do we think life is full of negative things?

Being happy really makes a person relaxed. Many things can make a person happy. Buying a dress for a fashionista would make her happy, Meeting an idol would make a person happy, Giving something special to the people you love would make them happy. And because of the people connected to us they make us happy. They are the ones who makes sure that we're happy. Everyday is always a new day to encounter new people, new challenges, new memories and everyday I make it a memorable one. I always make the most out of it. Happy moments are always a surprise. 

We must always stay positive. Stop thinking of the negative side. Giving-up is a stupid thing. All of us can overcome trials if we have that faith that we can do it. Life is beautiful. Thank God for he has blessed you. All of us have a reason why we are here on earth. We are here for something meaningful. All of us is a blessing. Well, the happiest thing on earth is that God has given us the best and awesome people who are always there for us no matter what.

8 September 2012

Society| Lend a helping hand

I really thought about this every time and I think this is the time to move.
Many children are having a hard time in studying due to lack of books. A book is really a big help in studying. Of course I'm fortunate enough to have complete set of books for my studies. Now, I'm seeking for your help.

If you want to donate your books (any kind of children's book, fairytales, academic books, any kind suitable for children) just contact me.
EMAIL: mabel29jv@yahoo.com
FACEBOOK: Issa Joquico Villalino
or comment in this post.

I need your help to help people. Let's help one another. 

1 September 2012

Try not to cry

Sometimes, there are obstacles in our life that we tend to cry. Crying helps us to let our feelings let go inside of us. There are times that we just can't help it but to cry. There are reasons why we cry. Tears of Joy, Sadness, Anger, Love.

Trials and People are the reasons why we cry. You just can't explain it when your tears stream down face. All of us cry. They say when boys cry there gay but no it's not true. Actually when a boy cries he's a real men.

Through my experience, I'm really emotional. I easily cry. I encountered trials when i just can't stop but to cry. My life is full of drama. I just pray to God for his guidance. I never give up to God. When I remember the past I really cry. When I see my pictures in the past my emotions flow.

The people who care about us never wants us to see crying, they are the ones who comfort us. When were in trouble and need someone there at your side to listen to you. You have a shoulder to cry on. Your family and friends. I'm thankful that I have my family and friends who are always there for me. Ready to catch me when I fall, ready to help me when I fall. I have my own problems but remember not to give up! PRAY.BELIEVE.SMILE.