1 September 2012

Try not to cry

Sometimes, there are obstacles in our life that we tend to cry. Crying helps us to let our feelings let go inside of us. There are times that we just can't help it but to cry. There are reasons why we cry. Tears of Joy, Sadness, Anger, Love.

Trials and People are the reasons why we cry. You just can't explain it when your tears stream down face. All of us cry. They say when boys cry there gay but no it's not true. Actually when a boy cries he's a real men.

Through my experience, I'm really emotional. I easily cry. I encountered trials when i just can't stop but to cry. My life is full of drama. I just pray to God for his guidance. I never give up to God. When I remember the past I really cry. When I see my pictures in the past my emotions flow.

The people who care about us never wants us to see crying, they are the ones who comfort us. When were in trouble and need someone there at your side to listen to you. You have a shoulder to cry on. Your family and friends. I'm thankful that I have my family and friends who are always there for me. Ready to catch me when I fall, ready to help me when I fall. I have my own problems but remember not to give up! PRAY.BELIEVE.SMILE.

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