13 January 2013

Love that never fades

"Be the woman a man needs, not a woman that needs a man." When two people are meant to each other nothing can keep them apart. You don't need to be someone else your not to be loved. 

The story we read from the books, the story we see from the movies and televisions we wish it could happen to us. The right one for us will come. Heartbreaks, happiness, ups and downs, sorrow. You spend your day with the one that makes you happy, the one you call your "world". Many people already found the perfect one for them, some didn't had the luck and some is still searching for the special one. In loving someone we need patience and trust. Loving someone is not that easy. You need to take things slowly, know each other better and enjoy each other. Relationship last long because two people made a choice: To keep it, to fight for it and work for it. It really takes time to move on with someone you truly loved who will leave you. MOVE ON. If he/she is really not for you step forward. Unconditional love is the one that will keep the relationship strong. Trust, patience and sincerity.... and they lived happily ever after.

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