21 May 2013

Last Days of Summer '13 ☀

In about two weeks or less summer will be over and we'll be back to the 'real' world. But we can still make the most out of the remaining time. In these days last minute vacations are pretty hectic but time is so precious why do nothing? With the days just remaining, why not think of something memorable that will make your last summer days be an amazing one?

Go to a nearby Resort or a Theme Park or somewhere relaxing but fun. Different activities will do! Swimming, Mountain Climbing, Sight-seeing, relaxing, etc.

Read a good book. After all, reading something would help your mind stimulate while your away from school. Books can take you somewhere you never thought you'd be. In that way, you can think that your in a paradise, swimming underwater with different species of fishes or drinking a fresh smoothie while lying under the sun with the sea lay before your eyes.

Spend a day with your BFF'S or your family. Do whatever you like to do together. Listen to music, watch movies, food travel or just talk about things all day long.

Do shopping! It can make you happy and at the same time it can use your extra time.

Do a DIY project. You can use your time for something you can be productive. You can help recycle things and turn it into something you like and up to date.

Attend lessons. It can enhance your skills and add more skills. Attending one will not waste your time.

Join organizations that's advocacy is for a good cause. Your time will be spent for a good cause at the same time you can meet new great people and be one of the good people.

Do what you are good at. Draw, Play badminton, Write a song, Play the violin or your clarinet. Doing what you really love does and will make you happy, right?

3 May 2013

Holy Mass

Nowadays, people seems to forget what the Holy Mass really means. They tend to forget how to act inside the house of God. People go to church not because they are willing to go but because they need something. For students, the common reason is because it is a requirement in their religion class, sometimes, because their parents is forcing them to go. For adults, because they need help for financial, love or they want a car. Yes, it's not bad to pray to God that you want a new car or a new partner in life but some people is just relying to God and seems to forget that they also have to make a move to get what they want.

The importance of the Holy Mass in the life of Christians is very big. The Holy Mass is a way of communicating to God, to pray sincerely for God's guidance. Holy Masses is for us to be enlightend by God's love. Jesus died for us, for us to be forgiven. In the Holy Mass it is for us to give thanks for all the things that Jesus have done for us. In the Holy Mass we receive the body and blood of Christ for us to be blessed. In the Holy Mass we learn good values that we can implement in our daily lives.

Without the Holy Mass people will be burdened from mental and spiritual needs. Christians have to attend masses. The Holy Spirit fills us with the love of God. The importance of the Holy Mass is truly a great part of us Christians.