18 March 2013

Featured| The Paulinian Link September - December 2012

Front Page

Front cover

"Thinking It's the End of the World"
Feature Article

Book Review

"Letter to My Daughter"

Another issue has been released! Because of our hardwork and determination we, again, are able to create another great issue. Great Job, Linkers!

13 March 2013

Education| Academic Dishonesty

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." A nice quote from Nelson Mandela. Education is the best gifts our parents can give to us. It is the key to our success. For years, students strive really hard to reach the dream they've been aiming for. But nowadays, Academic Dishonesty is one of the main problems students, teachers and schools are facing. Academic Dishonesty is a problem that needs full attention.

Some students are just too lazy to study who tends to cheat in class that results in committing a sin. Academic Dishonesty covers any form of cheating such as, Plagiarism, Sabotage, Cheating, etc. Studies have shown that an average of 70% of students have cheated courtesy of Wilfried Decoo, Crisis on Campus: Confronting Academic Misconduct (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2012), 23

Students are not the only ones who commit Academic Dishonesty, teachers do too. For example, the improper giving of grades to the students because of favoritism. The teachers are suppose to be good role models to the students.

"It is not that we love honesty less, but that we love success more. - Bowers 70" Students do want to be successful and it is one of the incentives to cheat, also because of the race, nationality or status in life. To make it clear some students are ashamed to have a failing grade and as a hypothesis, it will disgrace his/her family. Also, because of the hard work of the parents the students don't want to dissapoint them and the result is for them to cheat.

Academic Dishonesty do have effects on students, teachers and the school itself. Students who engage themselves to Academic Dishonesty are actually leading themselves to a life of dishonesty. For an instance, when a student already graduated and employed for a job, because of Academic Dishonesty not all graduates who have the same grades can perform the expected skills. Teachers are also affected by Academic Dishonesty. It greatly affects their teaching skills. As well as Schools, it can affect their reputation. Especially if the school is associated with Academic Dishonesty issues it sure will attract lesser students, donors and employees.

Some people will say Academic Dishonesty may help in some little ways but - no. Yes, it will give you high grades but how will you truly know what knowledge is?

Academic Dishonesty really needs to be fixed. Be one of the honest students who will never and not again cheat. Help reduce the number of Academic Dishonesty.